Autumn is Nearly Here


Autumn is nearly upon us, the mornings are getting darker and fresher and the evenings are drawing in as well. In the fields we are starting to see more signs, the leaves on the trees are changing colour and the winter vegetables are appearing.

Squash are always associated with autumn and this year we certainly have a fantastic aray of different ones in beautiful colours. The Uki Kuri is always first to be harvested, sometimes known as the Red Onion Squash, and these are already proving to be very popular. We have also harvested some delicata, harlequin and butternuts which are currently in the field curring, but having already cooked some they are certainly tasty!

Nero de Toscana, also known as Italian Kale is also now ready, this beautiful dark green vegetable is full of vitamins and extremely tasty. Sprout Tops are also back on the menu and these are proving to be very popular with many of our customers; by picking these early the actual sprout plants really benefit and it won’t be long before the sprouts will be ready as well.

Parsnips are also looking good, we normally wait until we have had a good frost before we start to lift, but judging by the chill in this morning’s air this won’t be long.

Meantime we are still harvesting the last of an exceptionally good crop of cherry tomatoes and salad as always is plentiful, just to remind us that summer is still just about here!

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