Next Friday, 30th August, we’ll be holding a Cake Bake sale in conjunction with our Friday morning farm gate, to raise funds for Fortuneswell Cancer Unit in memory of Piers Garner.
Piers, who many local people will know, and his wife Steph who works for us, previously ran Bridport Record Centre/Bridport Music. Since the business was sold, Piers has been an integral part of the team here at Bothen Hill in his capacity as mender of anything non agricultural and general handiman. He’s repaired scales (many times), other electrical items (numerous times), door locks, hinges and turned his hand to decorating and other tasks. Fortuneswell Cancer Unit was the charity chosen by Steph and family for donations and we’d like to support them with a great Cake Sale. Please do come along and bring your friends and neighbours, to support this local cause.