Summer vegetables have arrived in abundance, the recent warm weather, coupled with interspersed showers, has brought us a flush of cauliflowers, green trivia as shown below, purple graffiti and traditional all of which are full of flavour. In addition the sweet corn, which we started harvesting at the end of July continues to produce wonderful sweet juicy cobs. Planted to ensure a constant supply through until September we hope to have these for several weeks to come.
The beans have taken something of a battering with the recent winds, we are having a break from french beans for a while and concentrating on the fine ones which are absolutely delicious. Unlike the french beans, they are not climbers but bush varieties, so whilst not easy to pick, they are at least protected from the weather. We will have more french beans as autumn comes along as these are shortly to be planted out in the tunnel for protection.
In the tunnels the tomatoes are producing very well, particularly the cherry varieties, this year we have grown both super sweet 100 and tomatoberry both of which are proving to be very popular. We also have a good crop of cucumbers and the peppers are looking promising although won’t be ready for a few weeks yet.