We’re now into mid February, not sure where this year has gone so far, but it has been slightly challenging from a vegetable point of view.
However, we’re delighted that the various kales which we grow are holding up well, amazing considereing how little rain they had when they were planted. Unfortunately the majority of our cauliflower crop was wiped out by the frosts, but the sprouts are still going strong.
Roots have produced well, except for the parsnips unfortunately, but the swedes, carrots and celeriac all taste great
Planting is now in full swing, both direct sowing of seeds outside, spinach, chard, beetroot and mixed salad and individual seeds in modules too. The leeks and onions are doing very well and we’ve also got tomatoes, peppers, aubergines and spring cabbage and calabrese looking good.
Don’t forget that we’re open every Friday morning until noon at the farm gate where you can purchase our freshly-harvested vegetables.