Vegetable Deliveries resuming!

Following our enforced lay off we’re delighted to say that we’ll be delivering again as from Friday 8th June. Some things are a little sparse at the moment, we could certainly do with some more rain, but are delighted that the first of the potatoes, Rocket, are finally available.

The courgettes are growing well in the tunnels, as is the mixed salad, which have really benefitted from the heat, and outside the broad beans, spinach, lettuce and chard are all doing well.

The sugar snap peas are flowering and producing reasonably well and we still have rhubarb available.  Asparagus is slowing down now, but can be ordered this week, although likely to be the final week.

Looking forward, all the brassicas which have been planted are growing well, although again could do with rain, it looks like the hispi cabbage will arrive first, shortly followed by the summer purple sprouting broccoli. French beans in the tunnels have flowered well, so we’re just waiting for the beans to form, hopefully available within the next couple of weeks.

Open as usual for Farm Gate sales on Friday mornings.

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